Motherhood , the celebration of life
Motherhood is the most rewarding experience for a woman in her lifetime. The rewards are not materialistic but purely in terms of love and joy. This experience identifies a woman with her innate ability to procreate and nurture. The moment a child is born, mother is also born. But this journey is not easy rather an overwhelming one. With the changing times, the roles played by a mother has also changed drastically. Today she is a multitasker, playing manifold roles in a single gamut. She is a homemaker as well as the bread-earner. But beyond that she is entire world to her kids. The new age mother faces some peculiar challenges. Some of them are cited below: 1. Changing social structure - In the new social order, which claims to be women-centric, more responsibilities have been added to women's kitty than her capacity. This takes a toll on her mental and physical well-being. Predominant nuclear-families and ruthless career aspirations by both the partners leads to increas...