Motherhood , the celebration of life

Motherhood is the most rewarding experience for a woman in her lifetime. The rewards are not materialistic but purely in terms of love and joy. This experience identifies a woman with her innate ability to procreate and nurture.
The moment a child is born, mother is also born.

But this journey is not easy rather an overwhelming one. With the changing times, the roles played by a mother has also changed drastically. Today she is a multitasker, playing manifold roles in a single gamut. She is a homemaker as well as the bread-earner. But beyond that she is entire world to her kids. The new age mother faces some peculiar challenges. Some of them are cited below:
1. Changing social structure - In the new social order, which claims to be women-centric, more responsibilities have been added to women's kitty than her capacity. This takes a toll on her mental and physical well-being. Predominant nuclear-families and ruthless career aspirations by both the partners leads to increasing divorce cases. Under such circumstances the concept of motherhood takes a new shape. The single mother with all her might takes up the role of both father and mother. In due  course,she sometimes ignores her innate feminine soft side and tries to portray bold and strong. Undoubtedly, woman is an embodiment of strength but she gradually loses her softer side ruthless being exposed to uncertainties of life.

2. Motherhood Challenge - Today's mother wholeheartedly accepts the challenge of becoming a super-mom. In this mad race she strives to provide best opportunities to her kids but somewhere in the long run fails badly when her own kids disown her or unvalue her contributions.

The complex motherhood experience can become one of the sweetest emotion for a woman by just adding some essential ingredients:
Value - based upbringing - No matter how outdated this sounds but value based upbringing is the antidote to the poison of degrading social values. When the mother's role is not limited only to adding skills set to their children but also infusing traditional moral values,then only she can claim to be a successful mother . 
Indeed a mother who spoils her child and makes him/ her a materialistic fool, does more harm than good to her child. 

Motherhood is like a tight rope walk where a single wrong step could lead to the fall. Indeed the highest virtue and biggest responsibility.


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