
"Woods are lovely dark and deep
But I have promises to keep"!!!

           I remember when I was a little girl I would promise every now and then.
           My sense of morality was so strong that I would do anything to keep my promise.
           Today when I promise I am not sure how long will it last.

Promise is a commitment to do or not to do something;
A vow , a declaration and above all an oath.
One of the frequently and poorly used word.

           If we go back in time we'll see the human history revolves around Promises .
           In olden days people would go on fighting wars and battles to keep their promises.
           Sometimes they would lay their lives to keep their promises.

Today when someone says "A promise is a promise"no one believes it.
It's something most commonly reneged...

        Why in modern times it's difficult to keep promises,is it because the times are
difficult or we see shallowness of the character.
Whatever be the reason we see hearts broken ,pain and anguish,misery and melancholy everywhere.

It takes lot of courage and mettle to stick to your words. The words get translated into actions ;actions into behaviour and behaviour into character.Its not an easy path to tread but it would never lead to despondency .

It's important to teach our future generations the advantage of sticking to their words and keeping faith and promise.The essence of any relationship is love and the essence of love is trust.Trust is a promise to keep the faith alive.Even in animals a mother promises to keep her young ones safe and well fed.Yes this animal instinct is omnipresent.Then why do we say keeping promise is difficult and calls for extra effort?

Actually in this plastic world we are drifting apart from our instincts.Believe me it's not a Herculean task to stick to our words and actions .

"Don't tell me a promise that you can't keep,
Don't tell me things that you don't mean".


  1. Good lines Vaishali ! Also, there's no better sense of contentment than keeping your promise inspite of odds.

  2. So well articulated Vaishali !! Modern world is highly personalized and every one getting selfish. Promises are broken in minutes. Hence, instincts as you mentioned blended with trust is important rather than making promise.

    Keep writing !!

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