
Showing posts from 2017

When innocence is pulverised by technology!

" Piping down the valleys wild,  Piping songs of pleasant glee,  On a cloud I saw a child,   And he laughing said to me"    William Blake wrote this in his poem SONGS OF INNOCENCE  Childhood is supposed to be the gleeful and innocent phase  of life which is free from any bondage.But this poem was  written couple of centuries back. Those times when  children had a carefree childhood. When children  were not bombarded with processed knowledge.  When there was no access to information on  internet. When rational thinking and inquisitiveness  were satiated by self exploration and discovery.   Children used to be more in commune with the  natural environment.  In today's time children have lost touch with  themselves.They are alwaysdependent on external  sources of information to  com...

On Love!!

" Khusro baaji prem ki jo mei kheli pi ke sang Jeet gayi to piya more jo mei haari pi ke sang"!! This couplet by famous urdu poet Aamir Khusro says it all.Love is beyond any sense of loss or gain. It is a win win situation in every respect. The moment we start comparing with our beloved the very essence of love is lost. Love is complete surrender, a total immersion in the self.  This beautiful feeling called love itself is the source. There is no pretentiousness, no mask, no superficiality in Love "Apni chavi banayke jo mei pi ke paas gayi, Jab chavi dekhi pihu ki apni bhul gayi"!! Indeed there cannot be two self in Love. It is the complete submission of one into another. This submission and surrender has a subliminal quality in love that brings us closer to the truth. Love is the ultimate freedom yet a universal bond that keeps the cosmos in balance.                             ...

Why am I Materialistic??

" Rahiman itna dijiye jame kutumb samaye,    Mei bhi bhuka na rahu, sadhu na bhuka jaye" A famous couplet which many of us know by heart. This couplet talks of contentment,sufficing ones needs and talking about service to the society. No greed, no materialism and no lust. Oh it sounds outdated.We human beings as a race have come a long way. It surprises me that even though the couplet is outdated the basic needs remain the same. Although we have come a long way there are still people dying of hunger, homelessness and above all lack of means to fulfill their needs. On the other hand ever since this was written we have seen a newfound surge in materialism.The human greed has increased manifold and it's nowhere to stop. Money rules the roost!! Money has become new God.We measure everything in money even happiness. Human race is mad about possessions and materialistic hunger is at its peak. Even the door to achieve enlightenment is made of glitz and gold.  Wh...