
Showing posts from 2018

Ram - bounded or boundless

'राम नाम मनिदीप धरु जीह देहरीं द्वार। तुलसी भीतर बाहेरहुँ जौं चाहसि उजिआर॥' Says Goswami Tulsidas He says the very name of Ram is like a lustrous stone which can dispel darkness both inside and outside. In today's time when we all are busy running after maya( illusions), there is hardly any time to read holy scriptures. That is why it is suggested that in the modern times only his name would help us sail through the worldly ocean.  Ram naam ki loot hai loot sake to loot.  But who is this Ram we are talking about? We know of one Ram, the son of King Dushrath, who was born in Ayodhya in ancient times. He was heroic and one of the incarnations of Lord Vishnu. The one on the auspicious occasion of Dusshera defeated and killed Ravana, the demon king. Is it for this very reason Dusshera is celebrated every year;  let good prevail over evil. Well if this is so then there are many heroic characters in the history. Shall we worship all of them? T...

SHIVA - The Ascetic

न मृत्युर् न शंका न मे जातिभेद:  पिता नैव मे नैव माता न जन्म न बन्धुर् न मित्रं गुरुर्नैव शिष्य:  चिदानन्द रूप: शिवोऽहम् शिवोऽहम् || I have no fear of death, no caste or creed, I have no father, no mother, for I was never born, I am not a relative, nor a friend, nor a teacher nor a student, I am the form of consciousness and bliss, I am the eternal Shiva... SHIVA the destroyer appears in two opposite forms- Shiva  TheAscetic ( Omniscient Yogi) and Shiva The Shankara ( the householder). How can a God associated with destruction appear as two extreme ends of existence? For this it is important for us to realise that the three  God theory where Brahma the creator ; Vishnu the preserver and Shiva the destroyer together forms Brahman makes Hinduism a monotheistic religion. Out of the three only Shiva is the one who is a mystic and mysterious .He is seen as an Ascetic who resides in Kailasha with ash smeared on his body; Ganga flowing through his jata ; Vasuki ...