Why am I Materialistic??
" Rahiman itna dijiye jame kutumb samaye, Mei bhi bhuka na rahu, sadhu na bhuka jaye" A famous couplet which many of us know by heart. This couplet talks of contentment,sufficing ones needs and talking about service to the society. No greed, no materialism and no lust. Oh it sounds outdated.We human beings as a race have come a long way. It surprises me that even though the couplet is outdated the basic needs remain the same. Although we have come a long way there are still people dying of hunger, homelessness and above all lack of means to fulfill their needs. On the other hand ever since this was written we have seen a newfound surge in materialism.The human greed has increased manifold and it's nowhere to stop. Money rules the roost!! Money has become new God.We measure everything in money even happiness. Human race is mad about possessions and materialistic hunger is at its peak. Even the door to achieve enlightenment is made of glitz and gold. Wh...