" I prefer the gorgeous freedom, And I fly to lands of grace, Where in wide and clear meadows All is good, as dreams, and blest. " said a famous poet. Who doesn't prefer freedom,liberty or emancipation-The act of speech or conduct according to one's will.We are all born free and freedom is our innate quality.Man has faught many a wars for the sake of freedom.We daily hear of incidences where people are fighting for freedom of speech and expression... Freedom of speech,freedom of thoughts,freedom of expression,freedom of worship...all sorts of freedom. But are we really free...Are we actually born free.let it look at it this way .The moment we attach an identity with ourselves we generously lose our so called freedom.We start gathering mass to that identity and gradually become slave to that identity.We live in that identity.We live for that identity. Freedom is something not to be acquired.Freedom is something not to striv...