
Showing posts from June, 2015

Spirituality Vs Religion

It was a lovely beautiful morning.I was out for a walk in the woods.The birds were chirping and soothing breeze touched me gently on my cheek. We have hired a cottage in the woods to call it our home for the next few days. On the recommendation of a dear friend I got the hang of a wonderful book on spirituality.Sorry,sorry ,sorry the book on ancient Hindu religion.                           Spirituality or Religion      This is an age old question and clearly misunderstood by all.Even the so called intelligensia are at times confused between the two.With the help of the same book I tried to understand the two. Religion as we all know is the sum total of a person's belief about his world.Religion is the set of belief,dogmas,perceptions,rituals and doctrines.It is something to do with the outer world which a man has inherited from his ancestors.Religion is the faith system prevalent on a mass scale wi...